My first argument is that if you wish to become successful in the world of science, your ideas, no matter what percentage of truth they have, must succumb to the consensus of the current scientific community in your particular field of study. I cannot really describe this unless you know what the phrase “scientific paradigm” means. I would recommend reading “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”, by Thomas Kuhn, since he describes what I am about to tell you much more thoroughly in his book
In The Case Against Mormonism, Vol. 2, we show that the papyri have nothing to do with Abraham or his religion. Now that it is plain that these papyri are pagan documents, Mormons must look elsewhere for the origin of the temple ceremony. We feel that at least part of the temple ceremony came from Freemasonry. In fact, the similarities between the temple ceremony and the ritual of the Masons are rather startling. Before we discuss these, however. we are going to discuss the controversy regarding Masonry which took place in Joseph Smith's time.
The Preparation for Mass Casualty is a drill designed to establish a learning environment for players to exercise emergency response plans, policies, and procedures as they pertain to a mass casualty incident involving children. A drill is used to validate a single specific operations or function of a single agency/organization and can be used to practice/maintain skills. This Exercise Plan (ExPlan) was produced at the direction of the Department of Homeland Security with the input, advice, and assistance of the Preparation for Mass Casualty planners.
March 2021