The Dow Jones Industrial Average reached the 22,000 mark for the first time in history on Wednesday with a boost from Apple, which gained 6 percent to an all-time high thanks to better-than-expected quarterly results and optimism over the next iPhone. It was the third time this year the blue-chip stock index pushed through a new 1,000-point mark. President Trump tweeted as the Dow neared the latest milestone, noting that the index "was 18,000 only six months ago." The Dow has surged by more than 3,600 points since Election Day, and for months analysts credited Trump's promises to deregulate businesses and cut taxes. The most recent jump, however, was fueled by a series of stellar quarterly earnings reports by major corporations, including Apple, Boeing, McDonald's, and Facebook.
Source: CNN, CNBC Comments are closed.
About This BlogCertain numerology has a strong connection with occultism. Various numbers from time-to-time appear in news articles, and one has to wonder if there isn't some occult significance behind this story. Archives
May 2021