Is Ebola a fraud? Is it being used by certain forces for broader political purposes? Fresno State University Criminology Professor Jason Kissner joins James Tracy on Real Politik for a dynamic discussion addressing the important series of articles the former has written for Global Research dissecting the Ebola phenomenon and its accompanying media frenzy. Kissner initially delved into the Ebola story by considering the descriptive statistics initially propounded in major media. In looking further he found that contributors to New England Journal of Medicine had never observed an outbreak of such a virus in West Africa before. Further, the Public Health Agency of Canada provided information on its website concluding “that human-to-human airborne transmission was possible and maybe even happening.” A few weeks later, Kissner noted that the PHAC took the information down. Since then I’ve begun to come around a little bit more to the view that what we may be looking at here, at least right now, is mass mediated fraud in connection with Ebola. At least with respect to that phenomenon as it appears in the United States. Has Ebola been concocted in a laboratory, as may have been the case with AIDS? “It’s possible there’s a human-involved engineering component to this,” Kissner observes, “and if there is, that may help explain its appearance in West Africa.” He acknowledges that many will attack those who assert such a thesis, clinging to the notion that the Ebola outbreak was just a “chance event.” That really isn’t much of an explanation at all, and people who are supposed to sort of know about these things aren’t simply stating in a conclusory way that it arose in West Africa as a result of natural selection and, basically, random processes. Instead, they’re speculating that it may be fruit bats or something [similar] that brought it over there. This led to his employing of statistical methods to the probabilities suggested in information relayed on Ebola by Western media outlets. “It really is quite astonishing that there really is very little evidence supporting what the mass media is telling us is true about some of these Ebola cases in the United States.” As Kissner explains “The fact that a positive test is returned on Ebola, or really any other positive test [for another disease] is not dispositive at all in terms of whether somebody has the illness, for example.” Such tests are dependent upon the “prior probability” of contracting the disease, and this is largely determined by the “true nature of exposure” of health workers to Thomas Eric Duncan, of which little is known. Of course, unsurprisingly, we’ve been told very, very little about what the nature of that exposure was. A rough analogy would be that if those two nurses were on the moon previously it wouldn’t matter that they got a positive test result because there would have been no basis to assume they could have contracted it. With this in mind, corporate media are especially tenacious of the initial crisis narrative they establish, which makes it highly unlikely they will change tack in light of evidence that contradicts the established Ebola storyline. Once one of these narratives has been cemented in place, it’s very difficult to dislodge it no matter what subsequent evidence says. Right now, there’s very little concrete evidence that Nina Pham or [Amber] Vinson has Ebola. Conceivably they could have something else. It’s possible they have something else that’s conventional, that has some of the similar, or mimics the symptoms that’s not so conventional. Kissner and Tracy also discuss the very ill-defined background of Barack Obama, a topic Kissner has addressed in several online articles and commentaries over the past several years. If you go back to the election in 2008. So he’s running against Hillary Clinton in primary season. Obama had just won a number of primaries and was really beginning to build a great deal of momentum. All of a sudden on the campaign trail he drops that he’s been to Pakistan as a college student … Pakistan in ’08 was a very live foreign policy issue. So, it’s interesting that he only mentioned it two weeks subsequent to his passport having been breached by Analysis Corporation that was headed up by one John Brennen. It wouldn’t surprise me if there was information on Obama’s passport indicating that he was there longer or conceivably at a different time than he’s admitted publicly. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Brennen went on to serve as Obama’s National Security Adviser and Director of Central Intelligence, one of the many disturbing and unexplained facets of the Obama presidency. Jason Kissner received his undergraduate degree in Philosophy from the University of Florida. He also holds graduate degrees from Cornell University’s Law School and Florida State University. His work has appeared in numerous academic journals and alternative news outlets, including Global Research and American Thinker. Comments are closed.
March 2021