It's funny, but the name of this website brings so much clarity to this work. Sometimes it seems so inescapably futile; other times it helps me stay balanced, knowing it's all futile. So, don't sweat it.
Awhile back I was reading a website, called The Skimm. It was a daily summary of the news stories from the previous day, thus allowing you to "skim" the news. In part of the summary, they have a section called, "Quote Of The Day". I thought it was a neat enough feature to want to add to this website, so I created a new page, called "Quotes".
Who would have known that making a personal archive of Dave McGowan's work would some day be the only source available to the public, after his death?
I guess I've got some bad news (or good news, depending on how you look at it). I recently got an email from my domain registrar, stating the following:
I've decided to stop posting to the Ten Things You "Need" To Know Today section. It wasn't panning out the way I'd hoped.
I've got some other things stirring around in my head though. Stay tuned! I've been tinkering around a bit with the website--theme changes, new icons for the main pages, page header for the blog pages, etc.-- and I even added a new section, "Quote of the Day".
I know, I did it again.
What can I say; it's an addiction, and I'm a victim. Well, I may not be as bad as some, but it certainly causes me enough grief. I went and changed the domain of my website, AGAIN! One of the things I like about this website is the search feature. When your goal is to archive the internet, it's important to have the ability to look up all that information easily; however, I noticed the other night that the search feature in the header of this theme didn't work in all browsers.