Editor's Note: This video can be found on YouTube, but I believe it's important enough to archive it here, in case it is removed from that service. this video is a discussion about what ideological subversion means and what it looks like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQr8NG9XwDs ![]()
Google's Secret Natural Health Censorship Campaign with Sayer Ji (greenmedinfo.health), Zach Vorhies (Google Whisleblower/@PerpetualManiac), and Maryam Heinen (@MaryamHenein). The three sit down for an in depth discussion on the censorship of natural health and wellness content by Google. Editor's Note: This interview was originally a YouTube video, published on October 26, 2019. ![]()
Jason Riley is interviewed on ‘Meet the Press’. He clearly is not following the agenda. ![]()
Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed on MSNBC. I think she's trying to push an agenda here. I don't know we could say Michael Brown was shot down "execution style". ![]()
"These clips are from an interview with PIERRE SPREY the designer of the A10 and F15. Two planes that are beloved by pilots and ground troops alike for there ground attack roles; in particular, in the case of the A10, the last gun fighter with a 30mm anti tank vulcan cannon for ground attack. Both planes are universally loathed by the the Air Force brass as the air force hates to run ground attack missions as it makes them feel subservient to the Army/Marines and would rather fight is own war using height altitude strategic bombing. In the interview PIERRE SPREY points out the F35 cant turn, can't climb, is totally useless as a ground attack plane and stealth tech in general is totally bogus tech as low frequency long wavelength radar from ww2 can easy detect it. Too bad the Russians have been developing this since ww2 and have sold such radars to china and Iran. Case in point the shutdown of the F117 stealth fighter in Serbia in 1990." F35 Ground Attack
The Scam of Stealth
The Real Mission of the F35
John F. Kennedy gave this speech to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on 27th April 1961, two and a half years before his assassination. He details his thoughts on secret societies and what seems to be a call to action. Some believe that he is referring to secret societies being established within the US government and to others it is a cryptic message about an overseas communist threat. ![]()
The Unification Theory of a lot of different conspiracies and how they all tie in together including MK-Ultra type mind control experiments, electromagnetic frequency government projects (ELF), LSD/Psychic Experiments/Remote Viewing, Alien Abductions, Sleep Paralysis, The Nephilim, NWO, Spiritual Warfare, Satanic Ritual Abuse. It is my hypothesis that all of these so called “conspiracies” are enveloped by what we Christians know to be spiritual warfare. Furthermore, I believe that a great deal of the military involvement in these issues is directly related to the “re-tuning” of earthly frequencies in such a way that evil spirits can more readily manifest themselves while simultaneously embracing technology used to create multiple personalities within the human race for the sole purpose of demonic habitation. ![]()
When studying ritual abuse, especially within the context of sexual abuse and the New World Order, the first person one should examine is Crowley. He believed that his life would spawn the dawning of a new aeon, “the Aeon of Horus”, the child of the Isis and Osiris. Crowley’s prime belief was that of “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” Crowley practiced what he preached. He believed that ritualistic sexual abuse was an integral part not only in divination and majick, but that his doctrine of “Do what thou wilst…” would help usher in the Aeon of Horus. ![]()