Added a new feature to the site today - a shortened URL. I've thought a lot about this, and I've wanted to implement it for a long time. What attempts I've made have been with little success. When I purchased the domain for this website, the idea of this feature was in mind, but my efforts to use it have never quite panned out. I think I've finally come up with a solution that will suit me. You'll notice on my blog pages I only show the headline and the "read more" link. As of today, I'm adding a short URL just below the post title and before the "read more". I decided on this location because it stands apart from the rest of the post, and makes it easier to locate, in my opinion. My goal is to add this to the things I post from here on out. Maybe I'll be adding them to previous items, it all depends on how hard I want to work at it. We'll see what my O.C.D. will let me get away with. Update:I've moved the link over to the right. Still under the heading, but just on the other side. Decided that looked better in a mobile browser. April 23, 2015: Due to recent developments, the shortened links will now begin with "" to match the new theme of the website. Update Update:March 31, 2016: Due to more recent developments, Futile Work will no longer support shortened links. Whew, it's been a wild and crazy ride, but oh well. I'll get over it. Even More Update:July 26, 2016: I just couldn't let the shortlinks go, so I will be using the domain for shortened links (in a slightly different way), and not quite as intensive as I was before. Before I was adding them to EVERYTHING. Now I'll just be adding them to certain articles, and all my news briefs at [defunct]. So, we'll see where it goes from here, but hopefully this will be the last time I update this post. Oh well, everything is Futile. Even More Updated-er:Date: No idea
I know I've said this before, but I have finally and forever given up on the idea or using short links. I believe I've written this somewhere else on the website, but I thought I would just round out this post since the last update mentioned I was using them again. “Absolute futility. Everything is futile.” Comments are closed.